ooga booga ## Getting started If you'd like to learn how to use the engine to build a game, there's a completely free course in the [Skool community](https://www.skool.com/game-dev) You can find all tutorials and resources for getting started within the community. ## Licensing By default, the repository has an educational license that makes the engine free to use for personal projects. [Educational license terms](https://github.com/alpinestudios/oogabooga/blob/master/LICENSE.md) When you're ready to take the next step and work on a commercial game, you can upgrade to the full commercial license. Here are the benefits of obtaining the full license: - Permanent Ownership: You completely own the source code for life. - No Recurring Fees or Royalties: Just an affordable one-time payment. - It qualifies you to enter the private Skool community, where there's daily calls with Randy & Charlie, to help speedrun your game's development You can [contact us](https://randy.gg/contact) to find out more.