#ifdef _WIN32 typedef HANDLE Mutex_Handle; typedef HANDLE Thread_Handle; typedef HMODULE Dynamic_Library_Handle; typedef HWND Window_Handle; typedef HANDLE File; #elif defined(__linux__) typedef SOMETHING Mutex_Handle; typedef SOMETHING Thread_Handle; typedef SOMETHING Dynamic_Library_Handle; typedef SOMETHING Window_Handle; typedef SOMETHING File; #error "Linux is not supported yet"; #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) typedef SOMETHING Mutex_Handle; typedef SOMETHING Thread_Handle; typedef SOMETHING Dynamic_Library_Handle; typedef SOMETHING Window_Handle; typedef SOMETHING File; #error "Mac is not supported yet"; #else #error "Current OS not supported!"; #endif #ifndef max #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #define _INTSIZEOF(n) ((sizeof(n) + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int) - 1)) typedef int (__cdecl *Crt_Vsnprintf_Proc) (char*, size_t, const char*, va_list); typedef struct Os_Info { u64 page_size; u64 granularity; Dynamic_Library_Handle crt; Crt_Vsnprintf_Proc crt_vsnprintf; void *static_memory_start, *static_memory_end; } Os_Info; Os_Info os; inline bool bytes_match(void *a, void *b, u64 count) { return memcmp(a, b, count) == 0; } inline int vsnprintf(char* buffer, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list args) { return os.crt_vsnprintf(buffer, n, fmt, args); } Mutex_Handle program_memory_mutex = 0; bool os_grow_program_memory(size_t new_size); /// /// // Threading /// typedef struct Thread Thread; typedef void(*Thread_Proc)(Thread*); typedef struct Thread { u64 id; // This is valid after os_thread_start Context initial_context; void* data; Thread_Proc proc; Thread_Handle os_handle; Allocator allocator; // Deprecated !! #Cleanup } Thread; /// // Thread primitive DEPRECATED(Thread* os_make_thread(Thread_Proc proc, Allocator allocator), "Use os_thread_init instead"); DEPRECATED(void os_destroy_thread(Thread *t), "Use os_thread_destroy instead"); DEPRECATED(void os_start_thread(Thread* t), "Use os_thread_start instead"); DEPRECATED(void os_join_thread(Thread* t), "Use os_thread_join instead"); void os_thread_init(Thread *t, Thread_Proc proc); void os_thread_destroy(Thread *t); void os_thread_start(Thread *t); void os_thread_join(Thread *t); /// // Low-level Mutex primitive. Mutex in concurrency.c is probably a better alternative. Mutex_Handle os_make_mutex(); void os_destroy_mutex(Mutex_Handle m); void os_lock_mutex(Mutex_Handle m); void os_unlock_mutex(Mutex_Handle m); /// // Threading utilities void os_sleep(u32 ms); void os_yield_thread(); void os_high_precision_sleep(f64 ms); /// /// // Time /// DEPRECATED(u64 os_get_current_cycle_count(), "use rdtsc() instead"); float64 os_get_current_time_in_seconds(); /// /// // Dynamic Libraries /// Dynamic_Library_Handle os_load_dynamic_library(string path); void *os_dynamic_library_load_symbol(Dynamic_Library_Handle l, string identifier); void os_unload_dynamic_library(Dynamic_Library_Handle l); /// /// // IO /// forward_global const File OS_INVALID_FILE; void os_write_string_to_stdout(string s); typedef enum Os_Io_Open_Flags { O_READ = 0, O_CREATE = 1<<0, // Will replace existing file and start writing from 0 (if writing) O_WRITE = 1<<1, // To append, pass WRITE flag without CREATE flag } Os_Io_Open_Flags; File os_file_open_s(string path, Os_Io_Open_Flags flags); void os_file_close(File f); bool os_file_delete_s(string path); bool os_make_directory_s(string path, bool recursive); bool os_delete_directory_s(string path, bool recursive); bool os_file_write_string(File f, string s); bool os_file_write_bytes(File f, void *buffer, u64 size_in_bytes); bool os_file_read(File f, void* buffer, u64 bytes_to_read, u64 *actual_read_bytes); bool os_file_set_pos(File f, s64 pos_in_bytes); s64 os_file_get_pos(File f); s64 os_file_get_size(File f); s64 os_file_get_size_from_path(string path); bool os_write_entire_file_handle(File f, string data); bool os_write_entire_file_s(string path, string data); bool os_read_entire_file_handle(File f, string *result, Allocator allocator); bool os_read_entire_file_s(string path, string *result, Allocator allocator); bool os_is_file_s(string path); bool os_is_directory_s(string path); bool os_is_path_absolute(string path); bool os_get_absolute_path(string path, string *result, Allocator allocator); bool os_get_relative_path(string from, string to, string *result, Allocator allocator); bool os_do_paths_match(string a, string b); // It's a little unfortunate that we need to do this but I can't think of a better solution inline File os_file_open_f(const char *path, Os_Io_Open_Flags flags) {return os_file_open_s(STR(path), flags);} #define os_file_open(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_file_open_s, \ default: os_file_open_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_file_delete_f(const char *path) {return os_file_delete_s(STR(path));} #define os_file_delete(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_file_delete_s, \ default: os_file_delete_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_make_directory_f(const char *path, bool recursive) { return os_make_directory_s(STR(path), recursive); } #define os_make_directory(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_make_directory_s, \ default: os_make_directory_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_delete_directory_f(const char *path, bool recursive) { return os_delete_directory_s(STR(path), recursive); } #define os_delete_directory(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_delete_directory_s, \ default: os_delete_directory_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_write_entire_file_f(const char *path, string data) {return os_write_entire_file_s(STR(path), data);} #define os_write_entire_file(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_write_entire_file_s, \ default: os_write_entire_file_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_read_entire_file_f(const char *path, string *result, Allocator allocator) {return os_read_entire_file_s(STR(path), result, allocator);} #define os_read_entire_file(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_read_entire_file_s, \ default: os_read_entire_file_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_is_file_f(const char *path) {return os_is_file_s(STR(path));} #define os_is_file(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_is_file_s, \ default: os_is_file_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) inline bool os_is_directory_f(const char *path) {return os_is_directory_s(STR(path));} #define os_is_directory(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: os_is_directory_s, \ default: os_is_directory_f \ )(__VA_ARGS__) void fprints(File f, string fmt, ...); void fprintf(File f, const char* fmt, ...); #define fprint(...) _Generic((FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__)), \ string: fprints, \ default: fprintf \ )(__VA_ARGS__) void fprint_va_list_buffered(File f, const string fmt, va_list args) { string current = fmt; char buffer[PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE]; while (true) { u64 size = min(current.count, PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE-1); if (current.count <= 0) break; memcpy(buffer, current.data, size); char fmt_cstring[PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; memcpy(fmt_cstring, current.data, size); fmt_cstring[size] = 0; string s = sprint_null_terminated_string_va_list_to_buffer(fmt_cstring, args, buffer, PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE); os_file_write_string(f, s); current.count -= size; current.data += size; } } /// /// // Memory /// void* os_get_stack_base(); void* os_get_stack_limit(); /// /// // Debug /// string * os_get_stack_trace(u64 *trace_count, Allocator allocator); void dump_stack_trace() { u64 count; string *strings = os_get_stack_trace(&count, get_temporary_allocator()); for (u64 i = 0; i < count; i++) { string s = strings[i]; print("\n%s", s); } } /// /// // Window management /// typedef struct Os_Window { // Keep in mind that setting these in runtime is potentially slow! string title; union { s32 width; s32 pixel_width; }; union { s32 height; s32 pixel_height; }; s32 scaled_width; // DPI scaled! s32 scaled_height; // DPI scaled! s32 x; s32 y; Vector4 clear_color; bool enable_vsync; bool should_close; // readonly bool _initialized; Window_Handle _os_handle; } Os_Window; Os_Window window; void os_update();