174 lines
6.4 KiB
174 lines
6.4 KiB
// BEWARE std140 packing:
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-packing-rules
typedef struct My_Cbuffer {
Vector2 mouse_pos_screen; // We use this to make a light around the mouse cursor
Vector2 window_size; // We only use this to revert the Y in the shader because for some reason d3d11 inverts it.
} My_Cbuffer;
// We implement these details which we implement in the shader
// With custom shading we can extend the rendering library!
Draw_Quad *draw_rounded_rect(Vector2 p, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float radius);
Draw_Quad *draw_rounded_rect_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float radius);
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_rect(Vector2 p, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels);
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_rect_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels);
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_circle(Vector2 p, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels);
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_circle_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels);
int entry(int argc, char **argv) {
window.title = STR("Custom Shader Example");
window.scaled_width = 1280;
window.scaled_height = 720;
window.x = 200;
window.y = 90;
window.clear_color = hex_to_rgba(0x6495EDff);
string source;
bool ok = os_read_entire_file("oogabooga/examples/custom_shader.hlsl", &source, get_heap_allocator());
assert(ok, "Could not read oogabooga/examples/custom_shader.hlsl");
// This is slow and needs to recompile the shader. However, it should probably only happen once (or each hot reload)
// If it fails, it will return false and return to whatever shader it was before.
shader_recompile_with_extension(source, sizeof(My_Cbuffer));
dealloc_string(get_heap_allocator(), source);
// This memory needs to stay alive throughout the frame because we pass the pointer to it in draw_frame.cbuffer.
// If this memory is invalidated before gfx_update after setting draw_frame.cbuffer, then gfx_update will copy
// memory from an invalid address.
My_Cbuffer cbuffer;
float64 last_time = os_get_current_time_in_seconds();
while (!window.should_close) {
float64 now = os_get_current_time_in_seconds();
if ((int)now != (int)last_time) {
log("%.2f FPS\n%.2fms", 1.0/(now-last_time), (now-last_time)*1000);
last_time = now;
cbuffer.mouse_pos_screen = v2(input_frame.mouse_x, input_frame.mouse_y);
cbuffer.window_size = v2(window.width, window.height);
draw_frame.cbuffer = &cbuffer;
// Just draw a big rect to cover background, so our lighting shader will apply to background
draw_rect(v2(-5, -5), v2(10, 10), v4(.4, .4, .4, 1.0));
Matrix4 rect_xform = m4_scalar(1.0);
rect_xform = m4_rotate_z(rect_xform, (f32)now);
rect_xform = m4_translate(rect_xform, v3(-.25f, -.25f, 0));
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rounded_rect_xform(rect_xform, v2(.5f, .5f), COLOR_GREEN, 0.1);
draw_outlined_rect(v2(sin(now), -.8), v2(.5, .25), COLOR_RED, 2);
draw_outlined_circle(v2(-sin(now), -.8), v2(.6, .6), COLOR_BLUE, 2);
// Shader hot reloading
if (is_key_just_pressed('R')) {
ok = os_read_entire_file("oogabooga/examples/custom_shader.hlsl", &source, get_heap_allocator());
assert(ok, "Could not read oogabooga/examples/custom_shader.hlsl");
shader_recompile_with_extension(source, sizeof(My_Cbuffer));
dealloc_string(get_heap_allocator(), source);
return 0;
Vector2 world_to_screen(Vector2 p) {
Vector4 in_view_space = m4_transform(draw_frame.view, v4(p.x, p.y, 0.0, 1.0));
Vector4 in_clip_space = m4_transform(draw_frame.projection, in_view_space);
Vector4 ndc = {
.x = in_clip_space.x / in_clip_space.w,
.y = in_clip_space.y / in_clip_space.w,
.z = in_clip_space.z / in_clip_space.w,
.w = in_clip_space.w
return v2(
(ndc.x + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (f32)window.width,
(ndc.y + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (f32)window.height
Vector2 world_size_to_screen_size(Vector2 s) {
Vector2 origin = v2(0, 0);
Vector2 screen_origin = world_to_screen(origin);
Vector2 screen_size_point = world_to_screen(s);
return v2(
screen_size_point.x - screen_origin.x,
screen_size_point.y - screen_origin.y
Draw_Quad *draw_rounded_rect(Vector2 p, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float radius) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect(p, size, color);
// detail_type
// corner_radius
q->userdata[0].y = radius;
return q;
Draw_Quad *draw_rounded_rect_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float radius) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect_xform(xform, size, color);
// detail_type
// corner_radius
q->userdata[0].y = radius;
return q;
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_rect(Vector2 p, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect(p, size, color);
// detail_type
q->userdata[0].x = DETAIL_TYPE_OUTLINED;
// line_width_pixels
q->userdata[0].y = line_width_pixels;
// rect_size
q->userdata[0].zw = world_size_to_screen_size(size);
return q;
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_rect_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect_xform(xform, size, color);
// detail_type
q->userdata[0].x = DETAIL_TYPE_OUTLINED;
// line_width_pixels
q->userdata[0].y = line_width_pixels;
// rect_size
q->userdata[0].zw = world_size_to_screen_size(size);
return q;
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_circle(Vector2 p, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect(p, size, color);
// detail_type
// line_width_pixels
q->userdata[0].y = line_width_pixels;
// rect_size_pixels
q->userdata[0].zw = world_size_to_screen_size(size); // Transform world space to screen space
return q;
Draw_Quad *draw_outlined_circle_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color, float line_width_pixels) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect_xform(xform, size, color);
// detail_type
// line_width_pixels
q->userdata[0].y = line_width_pixels;
// rect_size_pixels
q->userdata[0].zw = world_size_to_screen_size(size); // Transform world space to screen space
return q;
} |