- I didn't get rotation going quite right with the xform, but it's 2am goodnight - Smashed my head and had bad thoughts about microsoft many times - stuff - lotsa example code in entry.c
494 lines
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494 lines
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void* program_memory = 0;
u64 program_memory_size = 0;
#define INIT_MEMORY_SIZE (1024*50)
// We may need to allocate stuff in initialization time before the heap is ready.
// That's what this is for.
u8 init_memory_arena[INIT_MEMORY_SIZE];
u8 *init_memory_head = init_memory_arena;
void* initialization_allocator_proc(u64 size, void *p, Allocator_Message message) {
switch (message) {
p = init_memory_head;
init_memory_head += size;
if (init_memory_head >= ((u8*)init_memory_arena+INIT_MEMORY_SIZE)) {
os_write_string_to_stdout(cstr("Out of initialization memory! Please provide more by increasing INIT_MEMORY_SIZE"));
return p;
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
// Basic general heap allocator, free list
// Technically thread safe but synchronization is horrible.
// Fragmentation is catastrophic.
// We could fix it by merging free nodes every now and then
// BUT: We aren't really supposed to allocate/deallocate directly on the heap too much anyways...
#define DEFAULT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE min((os.page_size * 1024ULL * 50ULL), program_memory_size)
#define HEAP_ALIGNMENT (sizeof(Heap_Free_Node))
typedef struct Heap_Free_Node Heap_Free_Node;
typedef struct Heap_Block Heap_Block;
typedef struct Heap_Free_Node {
u64 size;
Heap_Free_Node *next;
} Heap_Free_Node;
typedef struct Heap_Block {
u64 size;
Heap_Free_Node *free_head;
void* start;
Heap_Block *next;
// 32 bytes !!
} Heap_Block;
typedef struct {
u64 size;
Heap_Block *block;
} Heap_Allocation_Metadata;
Heap_Block *heap_head;
bool heap_initted = false;
Spinlock *heap_lock; // This is terrible but I don't care for now
u64 get_heap_block_size_excluding_metadata(Heap_Block *block) {
return block->size - sizeof(Heap_Block);
u64 get_heap_block_size_including_metadata(Heap_Block *block) {
return block->size;
bool is_pointer_in_program_memory(void *p) {
return (u8*)p >= (u8*)program_memory && (u8*)p<((u8*)program_memory+program_memory_size);
bool is_pointer_in_stack(void* p) {
void* stack_base = os_get_stack_base();
void* stack_limit = os_get_stack_limit();
return (uintptr_t)p >= (uintptr_t)stack_limit && (uintptr_t)p < (uintptr_t)stack_base;
bool is_pointer_in_static_memory(void* p) {
return (uintptr_t)p >= (uintptr_t)os.static_memory_start && (uintptr_t)p < (uintptr_t)os.static_memory_end;
bool is_pointer_valid(void *p) {
return is_pointer_in_program_memory(p) || is_pointer_in_stack(p) || is_pointer_in_static_memory(p);
// Meant for debug
void santiy_check_free_node_tree(Heap_Block *block) {
Heap_Free_Node *node = block->free_head;
u64 total_free = 0;
while (node != 0) {
Heap_Free_Node *other_node = node->next;
while (other_node != 0) {
assert(other_node != node, "Circular reference in heap free node tree. That's bad.");
other_node = other_node->next;
total_free += node->size;
assert(total_free <= block->size, "Free nodes are fucky wucky");
node = node->next;
typedef struct {
Heap_Free_Node *best_fit;
Heap_Free_Node *previous;
u64 delta;
} Heap_Search_Result;
Heap_Search_Result search_heap_block(Heap_Block *block, u64 size) {
if (block->free_head == 0) return (Heap_Search_Result){0, 0, 0};
Heap_Free_Node *node = block->free_head;
Heap_Free_Node *previous = 0;
Heap_Free_Node *best_fit = 0;
Heap_Free_Node *before_best_fit = 0;
u64 best_fit_delta = 0;
while (node != 0) {
if (node->size == size) {
Heap_Search_Result result;
result.best_fit = node;
result.previous = previous;
result.delta = 0;
assert(result.previous != result.best_fit);
return result;
if (node->size >= size) {
u64 delta = node->size - size;
if (delta < best_fit_delta || !best_fit) {
before_best_fit = previous;
best_fit = node;
best_fit_delta = delta;
if (node->next) previous = node;
node = node->next;
if (!best_fit) return (Heap_Search_Result){0, 0, 0};
Heap_Search_Result result;
result.best_fit = best_fit;
result.previous = before_best_fit;
result.delta = best_fit_delta;
assert(result.previous != result.best_fit);
return result;
Heap_Block *make_heap_block(Heap_Block *parent, u64 size) {
size = (size) & ~(HEAP_ALIGNMENT-1);
Heap_Block *block;
if (parent) {
block = (Heap_Block*)(((u8*)parent)+get_heap_block_size_including_metadata(parent));
parent->next = block;
} else {
block = (Heap_Block*)program_memory;
// #Speed #Cleanup
if (((u8*)block)+size >= ((u8*)program_memory)+program_memory_size) {
u64 minimum_size = ((u8*)block+size) - (u8*)program_memory + 1;
u64 new_program_size = (cast(u64)(minimum_size * 1.5));
assert(new_program_size >= minimum_size, "Bröd");
const u64 ATTEMPTS = 1000;
for (u64 i = 0; i <= ATTEMPTS; i++) {
if (program_memory_size >= new_program_size) break; // Another thread might have resized already, causing it to fail here.
assert(i < ATTEMPTS, "OS is not letting us allocate more memory. Maybe we are out of memory?");
if (os_grow_program_memory(new_program_size))
block->start = ((u8*)block)+sizeof(Heap_Block);
block->size = size;
block->next = 0;
block->free_head = (Heap_Free_Node*)block->start;
block->free_head->size = get_heap_block_size_excluding_metadata(block);
block->free_head->next = 0;
return block;
void heap_init() {
if (heap_initted) return;
heap_initted = true;
heap_head = make_heap_block(0, DEFAULT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE);
heap_lock = os_make_spinlock();
void *heap_alloc(u64 size) {
if (!heap_initted) heap_init();
// #Sync #Speed oof
size += sizeof(Heap_Allocation_Metadata);
assert(size < DEFAULT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE, "Past Charlie has been lazy and did not handle large allocations like this. I apologize on behalf of past Charlie. A quick fix could be to increase the heap block size for now.");
Heap_Block *block = heap_head;
Heap_Block *last_block = 0;
Heap_Free_Node *best_fit = 0;
Heap_Block *best_fit_block = 0;
Heap_Free_Node *previous = 0;
u64 best_fit_delta = 0;
// #Speed
// Maybe instead of going through EVERY free node to find best fit we do a good-enough fit
while (block != 0) {
Heap_Search_Result result = search_heap_block(block, size);
Heap_Free_Node *node = result.best_fit;
if (node) {
if (node->size < size) continue;
if (node->size == size) {
best_fit = node;
best_fit_block = block;
previous = result.previous;
best_fit_delta = 0;
u64 delta = node->size-size;
if (delta < best_fit_delta || !best_fit) {
best_fit = node;
best_fit_block = block;
previous = result.previous;
best_fit_delta = delta;
last_block = block;
block = block->next;
if (!best_fit) {
block = make_heap_block(last_block, DEFAULT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE);
previous = 0;
best_fit = block->free_head;
best_fit_block = block;
// Ideally this should not be possible.
// If we run out of program_memory, we should just grow it and if that fails
// we crash because out of memory.
assert(best_fit != 0, "Internal heap allocation failed");
Heap_Free_Node *new_free_node = 0;
if (size != best_fit->size) {
u64 remainder = best_fit->size - size;
new_free_node = (Heap_Free_Node*)(((u8*)best_fit)+size);
new_free_node->size = remainder;
new_free_node->next = best_fit->next;
if (previous && new_free_node) {
assert(previous->next == best_fit, "Bro what");
previous->next = new_free_node;
} else if (previous) {
assert(previous->next == best_fit, "Bro what");
previous->next = best_fit->next;
if (best_fit_block->free_head == best_fit) {
// If we allocated the first free node then replace with new free node or just
// remove it if perfect fit.
if (new_free_node) {
new_free_node->next = best_fit_block->free_head->next;
best_fit_block->free_head = new_free_node;
} else best_fit_block->free_head = best_fit_block->free_head->next;
Heap_Allocation_Metadata *meta = (Heap_Allocation_Metadata*)best_fit;
meta->size = size;
meta->block = best_fit_block;
// #Sync #Speed oof
return ((u8*)meta)+sizeof(Heap_Allocation_Metadata);
void heap_dealloc(void *p) {
// #Sync #Speed oof
if (!heap_initted) heap_init();
assert(is_pointer_in_program_memory(p), "Garbage pointer; out of program memory bounds!");
p = (u8*)p-sizeof(Heap_Allocation_Metadata);
Heap_Allocation_Metadata *meta = (Heap_Allocation_Metadata*)(p);
// If > 256GB then prolly not legit lol
assert(meta->size < 1024ULL*1024ULL*1024ULL*256ULL, "Garbage pointer passed to heap_dealloc !!! Or could be corrupted memory.");
assert(is_pointer_in_program_memory(meta->block), "Garbage pointer passed to heap_dealloc !!! Or could be corrupted memory.");
// Yoink meta data before we start overwriting it
Heap_Block *block = meta->block;
u64 size = meta->size;
Heap_Free_Node *new_node = cast(Heap_Free_Node*)p;
new_node->size = size;
if (new_node < block->free_head) {
if ((u8*)new_node+size == (u8*)block->free_head) {
new_node->size = size + block->free_head->size;
new_node->next = block->free_head->next;
block->free_head = new_node;
} else {
new_node->next = block->free_head;
block->free_head = new_node;
} else {
Heap_Free_Node *node = block->free_head;
while (true) {
assert(node != 0, "We didn't find where the free node should be! uh oh");
if (new_node > node) {
u8* node_tail = (u8*)node + node->size;
if (cast(u8*)new_node == node_tail) {
node->size += new_node->size;
} else {
new_node->next = node->next;
node->next = new_node;
u8* new_node_tail = (u8*)new_node + new_node->size;
if (new_node->next && (u8*)new_node->next == new_node_tail) {
new_node->size += new_node->next->size;
new_node->next = new_node->next->next;
node = node->next;
// #Sync #Speed oof
void* heap_allocator_proc(u64 size, void *p, Allocator_Message message) {
switch (message) {
return heap_alloc(size);
assert(is_pointer_valid(p), "Invalid pointer passed to heap allocator deallocate");
return 0;
if (!p) {
return heap_alloc(size);
assert(is_pointer_valid(p), "Invalid pointer passed to heap allocator reallocate");
Heap_Allocation_Metadata *meta = (Heap_Allocation_Metadata*)((u64)p)-sizeof(Heap_Allocation_Metadata);
void *new = heap_alloc(size);
memcpy(new, p, min(size, meta->size));
return new;
return 0;
Allocator get_heap_allocator() {
Allocator heap_allocator;
heap_allocator.proc = heap_allocator_proc;
heap_allocator.data = 0;
return heap_allocator;
// Temporary storage
#define TEMPORARY_STORAGE_SIZE (1024ULL*1024ULL*16ULL) // 16mb
void* talloc(u64);
void* temp_allocator_proc(u64 size, void *p, Allocator_Message message);
thread_local void * temporary_storage = 0;
thread_local bool temporary_storage_initted = false;
thread_local void * temporary_storage_pointer = 0;
thread_local bool has_warned_temporary_storage_overflow = false;
thread_local Allocator temp;
void* temp_allocator_proc(u64 size, void *p, Allocator_Message message) {
switch (message) {
return talloc(size);
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
void temporary_storage_init() {
if (temporary_storage_initted) return;
temporary_storage = heap_alloc(TEMPORARY_STORAGE_SIZE);
assert(temporary_storage, "Failed allocating temporary storage");
temporary_storage_pointer = temporary_storage;
temp.proc = temp_allocator_proc;
temp.data = 0;
temporary_storage_initted = true;
void* talloc(u64 size) {
if (!temporary_storage_initted) temporary_storage_init();
assert(size < TEMPORARY_STORAGE_SIZE, "Bruddah this is too large for temp allocator");
void* p = temporary_storage_pointer;
temporary_storage_pointer = (u8*)temporary_storage_pointer + size;
if ((u8*)temporary_storage_pointer >= (u8*)temporary_storage+TEMPORARY_STORAGE_SIZE) {
if (!has_warned_temporary_storage_overflow) {
os_write_string_to_stdout(cstr("WARNING: temporary storage was overflown, we wrap around at the start.\n"));
temporary_storage_pointer = temporary_storage;
return talloc(size);;
return p;
void reset_temporary_storage() {
if (!temporary_storage_initted) temporary_storage_init();
temporary_storage_pointer = temporary_storage;
has_warned_temporary_storage_overflow = true;
// So we can do this in code included before this.
void push_temp_allocator() {
if (!temporary_storage_initted) temporary_storage_init();
} |