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2024-08-21 20:17:05 +02:00

169 lines
5.3 KiB

int entry(int argc, char **argv) {
window.title = STR("My epic game");
window.scaled_width = 1280;
window.scaled_height = 720;
window.x = 200;
window.y = 200;
window.clear_color = hex_to_rgba(0x2a2d3aff);
Gfx_Image *bush_image = load_image_from_disk(STR("oogabooga/examples/berry_bush.png"), get_heap_allocator());
assert(bush_image, "Failed loading berry_bush.png");
Gfx_Image *hammer_image = load_image_from_disk(STR("oogabooga/examples/hammer.png"), get_heap_allocator());
assert(hammer_image, "Failed loading hammer.png");
Custom_Mouse_Pointer hammer_pointer
= os_make_custom_mouse_pointer_from_file(STR("oogabooga/examples/hammer.png"), 16, 16, get_heap_allocator());
assert(hammer_pointer != 0, "Could not load hammer pointer");
void *my_data = alloc(get_heap_allocator(), 32*32*4);
memset(my_data, 0xffffffff, 32*32*4);
Gfx_Image *my_image = make_image(32, 32, 4, my_data, get_heap_allocator());
for (int *c = (int*)my_data; c < (int*)my_data+16*16; c += 1) {
*c = 0xff0000ff;
gfx_set_image_data(my_image, 0, 0, 16, 16, my_data);
Gfx_Font *font = load_font_from_disk(STR("C:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf"), get_heap_allocator());
assert(font, "Failed loading arial.ttf, %d", GetLastError());
// This makes sure atlas is rendered for ascii.
// You might want to do this if your game lags the first time you render text because it renders
// the atlas on the fly.
render_atlas_if_not_yet_rendered(font, 32, 'A');
seed_for_random = rdtsc();
const float64 fps_limit = 69000;
const float64 min_frametime = 1.0 / fps_limit;
Matrix4 camera_xform = m4_scalar(1.0);
float64 last_time = os_get_elapsed_seconds();
while (!window.should_close) tm_scope("Frame") {
float64 now = os_get_elapsed_seconds();
float64 delta = now - last_time;
if (delta < min_frametime) {
now = os_get_elapsed_seconds();
delta = now - last_time;
last_time = now;
tm_scope("os_update") {
if (is_key_just_released(KEY_ESCAPE)) {
window.should_close = true;
if (is_key_just_pressed(KEY_ARROW_LEFT)) {
window.x -= 10;
if (is_key_just_pressed(KEY_ARROW_RIGHT)) {
window.x += 10;
if (is_key_just_released('Q')) {
bush_image = load_image_from_disk(STR("oogabooga/examples/berry_bush.png"), get_heap_allocator());
assert(bush_image, "Failed loading berry_bush.png");
const float32 cam_move_speed = 4.0;
Vector2 cam_move_axis = v2(0, 0);
if (is_key_down('A')) {
cam_move_axis.x -= 1.0;
if (is_key_down('D')) {
cam_move_axis.x += 1.0;
if (is_key_down('S')) {
cam_move_axis.y -= 1.0;
if (is_key_down('W')) {
cam_move_axis.y += 1.0;
Vector2 cam_move = v2_mulf(cam_move_axis, delta * cam_move_speed);
camera_xform = m4_translate(camera_xform, v3(v2_expand(cam_move), 0));
draw_frame.camera_xform = camera_xform;
local_persist bool do_enable_z_sorting = false;
draw_frame.enable_z_sorting = do_enable_z_sorting;
if (is_key_just_pressed('Z')) do_enable_z_sorting = !do_enable_z_sorting;
if (do_enable_z_sorting) {
v2(input_frame.mouse_x-256, input_frame.mouse_y-256),
v2(input_frame.mouse_x+256, input_frame.mouse_y+256)
seed_for_random = 69;
for (u64 i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
float32 aspect = (float32)window.width/(float32)window.height;
float min_x = -aspect;
float max_x = aspect;
float min_y = -1;
float max_y = 1;
float x = get_random_float32() * (max_x-min_x) + min_x;
float y = get_random_float32() * (max_y-min_y) + min_y;
draw_image(bush_image, v2(x, y), v2(0.1, 0.1), COLOR_WHITE);
seed_for_random = rdtsc();
draw_image(bush_image, v2(0.65, 0.65), v2(0.2*sin(now), 0.2*sin(now)), COLOR_WHITE);
u32 atlas_index = 0;
Gfx_Font_Atlas *atlas = (Gfx_Font_Atlas*)hash_table_find(&font->variations[32].atlases, atlas_index);
draw_text(font, STR("I am text"), 128, v2(sin(now), -0.61), v2(0.001, 0.001), COLOR_BLACK);
draw_text(font, STR("I am text"), 128, v2(sin(now)-0.01, -0.6), v2(0.001, 0.001), COLOR_WHITE);
draw_text(font, STR("Hello jje\nnew line"), 128, v2(-1, 0.5), v2(0.001, 0.001), COLOR_WHITE);
Matrix4 hammer_xform = m4_scalar(1.0);
hammer_xform = m4_rotate_z(hammer_xform, (f32)now);
hammer_xform = m4_translate(hammer_xform, v3(-.25f, -.25f, 0));
draw_image_xform(hammer_image, hammer_xform, v2(.5f, .5f), COLOR_RED);
draw_image_xform(hammer_image, hammer_xform, v2(.25f, .25f), COLOR_GREEN);
Vector2 hover_position = v2_rotate_point_around_pivot(v2(-.5, -.5), v2(0, 0), (f32)now);
Vector2 local_pivot = v2(.125f, .125f);
draw_circle(v2_sub(hover_position, local_pivot), v2(.25f, .25f), v4((sin(now)+1.0)/2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
local_persist bool show = false;
if (is_key_just_pressed('T')) show = !show;
if (show) draw_image(atlas->image, v2(-1.6, -1), v2(4, 4), COLOR_WHITE);
if (do_enable_z_sorting) {
tm_scope("gfx_update") {
if (is_key_just_released('E')) {
log("FPS: %.2f", 1.0 / delta);
log("ms: %.2f", delta*1000.0);
return 0;