- Deprecate os_compare_and_swap and replace with more portable compare_and_swap - Fixed a bug where the wrong image would be drawn
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Just call draw_xxx procedures anywhere in the frame when you want something to be drawn that frame.
// Examples:
// Verbose
Draw_Quad quad;
quad.bottom_left = v2(x, y);
quad.top_left = v2(x, y);
quad.top_right = v2(x, y);
quad.bottom_right = v2(x, y);
quad.color = v4(r, g, b, a);
quad.image = my_image; // ZERO(Gfx_Image) To draw a plain color
quad.uv = v4(0, 0, 1, 1);
// Basic rect. Bottom left at X=-0.25, Y=-0.5 with a size of W=0.5, H=0.5
draw_rect(v2(-0.25, -0.5), v2(0.5, 0.5), COLOR_GREEN);
// Rotated rect. Bottom left at X=-0.25, Y=-0.5 with a size of W=0.5, H=0.5
// With a centered pivot (half size) and a rotation of 2.4 radians
// If pivot is v2(0, 0), the rectangle will rotate around it's bottom left.
draw_rect_rotated(v2(-0.25, -0.5), v2(0.5, 0.5), COLOR_GREEN, v2(0.25, 0.25), 2.4f);
// Basic image. Bottom left at X=-0.25, Y=-0.5 with a size of W=0.5, H=0.5
draw_image(v2(-0.25, -0.5), v2(0.5, 0.5), COLOR_GREEN);
// Rotated image. Bottom left at X=-0.25, Y=-0.5 with a size of W=0.5, H=0.5
// With a centered pivot (half size) and a rotation of 2.4 radians
// If pivot is v2(0, 0), the rectangle will rotate around it's bottom left.
draw_image_rotated(v2(-0.25, -0.5), v2(0.5, 0.5), COLOR_GREEN, v2(0.25, 0.25), 2.4f);
// Loading an image (png only)
Gfx_Image image = load_image_from_disk("my_image.png");
if (!image.data) {
// We failed loading the image.
// If you ever need to free the image:
Draw_Quad *draw_quad_projected(Draw_Quad quad, Matrix4 world_to_clip);
Draw_Quad *draw_quad(Draw_Quad quad);
Draw_Quad *draw_quad_xform(Draw_Quad quad, Matrix4 xform);
Draw_Quad *draw_rect(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector4 color);
Draw_Quad *draw_rect_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color);
Draw_Quad *draw_image(Gfx_Image *image, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector4 color);
Draw_Quad *draw_image_xform(Gfx_Image *image, Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color);
// raster_height is the pixel height that the text will be rasterized at. If text is blurry,
// you can try to increase raster_height and lower scale.
void draw_text(Gfx_Font *font, string text, u32 raster_height, Vector2 position, Vector2 scale, Vector4 color);
void draw_text_xform(Gfx_Font *font, string text, u32 raster_height, Matrix4 xform, Vector4 color);
#define QUADS_PER_BLOCK 256
typedef struct Draw_Quad {
Vector2 bottom_left, top_left, top_right, bottom_right;
// r, g, b, a
Vector4 color;
Gfx_Image *image;
// x1, y1, x2, y2
Vector4 uv;
u8 type;
Gfx_Filter_Mode image_min_filter;
Gfx_Filter_Mode image_mag_filter;
float32 z;
} Draw_Quad;
typedef struct Draw_Quad_Block {
Draw_Quad quad_buffer[QUADS_PER_BLOCK];
u64 num_quads;
float32 low_z, high_z;
struct Draw_Quad_Block *next;
} Draw_Quad_Block;
// I made these blocks part of the frame at first so they were temp allocated BUT I think
// that was a mistake because these blocks are accessed a lot so we want it to just be
// persistent memory that's super hot all the time.
Draw_Quad_Block first_block = {0};
typedef struct Draw_Frame {
Draw_Quad_Block *current;
u64 num_blocks;
Matrix4 projection;
Matrix4 view;
bool enable_z_sorting;
} Draw_Frame;
// This frame is passed to the platform layer and rendered in os_update.
// Resets every frame.
Draw_Frame draw_frame = ZERO(Draw_Frame);
void reset_draw_frame(Draw_Frame *frame) {
*frame = (Draw_Frame){0};
frame->current = &first_block;
frame->current->num_quads = 0;
float32 aspect = (float32)window.width/(float32)window.height;
frame->projection = m4_make_orthographic_projection(-aspect, aspect, -1, 1, -1, 10);
frame->view = m4_scalar(1.0);
Draw_Quad *draw_quad_projected(Draw_Quad quad, Matrix4 world_to_clip) {
quad.bottom_left = m4_transform(world_to_clip, v4(v2_expand(quad.bottom_left), 0, 1)).xy;
quad.top_left = m4_transform(world_to_clip, v4(v2_expand(quad.top_left), 0, 1)).xy;
quad.top_right = m4_transform(world_to_clip, v4(v2_expand(quad.top_right), 0, 1)).xy;
quad.bottom_right = m4_transform(world_to_clip, v4(v2_expand(quad.bottom_right), 0, 1)).xy;
quad.image_min_filter = GFX_FILTER_MODE_NEAREST;
quad.image_min_filter = GFX_FILTER_MODE_NEAREST;
if (!draw_frame.current) {
draw_frame.current = &first_block;
draw_frame.current->low_z = F32_MAX;
draw_frame.current->high_z = F32_MIN;
if (draw_frame.current == &first_block) draw_frame.num_blocks = 1;
assert(draw_frame.current->num_quads <= QUADS_PER_BLOCK);
if (draw_frame.current->num_quads == QUADS_PER_BLOCK) {
if (!draw_frame.current->next) {
draw_frame.current->next = cast(Draw_Quad_Block*)alloc(get_heap_allocator(), sizeof(Draw_Quad_Block));
*draw_frame.current->next = ZERO(Draw_Quad_Block);
draw_frame.current = draw_frame.current->next;
draw_frame.current->num_quads = 0;
draw_frame.num_blocks += 1;
draw_frame.current->low_z = F32_MAX;
draw_frame.current->high_z = F32_MIN;
draw_frame.current->quad_buffer[draw_frame.current->num_quads] = quad;
draw_frame.current->num_quads += 1;
return &draw_frame.current->quad_buffer[draw_frame.current->num_quads-1];
Draw_Quad *draw_quad(Draw_Quad quad) {
return draw_quad_projected(quad, m4_mul(draw_frame.projection, m4_inverse(draw_frame.view)));
Draw_Quad *draw_quad_xform(Draw_Quad quad, Matrix4 xform) {
Matrix4 world_to_clip = m4_scalar(1.0);
world_to_clip = m4_mul(world_to_clip, draw_frame.projection);
world_to_clip = m4_mul(world_to_clip, m4_inverse(draw_frame.view));
world_to_clip = m4_mul(world_to_clip, xform);
return draw_quad_projected(quad, world_to_clip);
Draw_Quad *draw_rect(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector4 color) {
const float32 left = position.x;
const float32 right = position.x + size.x;
const float32 bottom = position.y;
const float32 top = position.y+size.y;
Draw_Quad q;
q.bottom_left = v2(left, bottom);
q.top_left = v2(left, top);
q.top_right = v2(right, top);
q.bottom_right = v2(right, bottom);
q.color = color;
q.image = 0;
return draw_quad(q);
Draw_Quad *draw_rect_xform(Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color) {
Draw_Quad q = ZERO(Draw_Quad);
q.bottom_left = v2(0, 0);
q.top_left = v2(0, size.y);
q.top_right = v2(size.x, size.y);
q.bottom_right = v2(size.x, 0);
q.color = color;
q.image = 0;
return draw_quad_xform(q, xform);
Draw_Quad *draw_image(Gfx_Image *image, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector4 color) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect(position, size, color);
q->image = image;
q->uv = v4(0, 0, 1, 1);
return q;
Draw_Quad *draw_image_xform(Gfx_Image *image, Matrix4 xform, Vector2 size, Vector4 color) {
Draw_Quad *q = draw_rect_xform(xform, size, color);
q->image = image;
q->uv = v4(0, 0, 1, 1);
return q;
typedef struct {
Gfx_Font *font;
string text;
u32 raster_height;
Matrix4 xform;
Vector2 scale;
Vector4 color;
} Draw_Text_Callback_Params;
bool draw_text_callback(Gfx_Glyph glyph, Gfx_Font_Atlas *atlas, float glyph_x, float glyph_y, void *ud) {
u32 codepoint = glyph.codepoint;
Draw_Text_Callback_Params *params = (Draw_Text_Callback_Params*)ud;
Vector2 size = v2(glyph.width*params->scale.x, glyph.height*params->scale.y);
Matrix4 glyph_xform = m4_translate(params->xform, v3(glyph_x, glyph_y, 0));
Draw_Quad *q = draw_image_xform(atlas->image, glyph_xform, size, params->color);
q->uv = glyph.uv;
q->type = QUAD_TYPE_TEXT;
q->image_min_filter = GFX_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR;
q->image_mag_filter = GFX_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR;
return true;
void draw_text_xform(Gfx_Font *font, string text, u32 raster_height, Matrix4 xform, Vector2 scale, Vector4 color) {
Draw_Text_Callback_Params p;
p.font = font;
p.text = text;
p.raster_height = raster_height;
p.xform = xform;
p.scale = scale;
p.color = color;
walk_glyphs((Walk_Glyphs_Spec){font, text, raster_height, scale, true, &p}, draw_text_callback);
void draw_text(Gfx_Font *font, string text, u32 raster_height, Vector2 position, Vector2 scale, Vector4 color) {
Matrix4 xform = m4_scalar(1.0);
xform = m4_translate(xform, v3(position.x, position.y, 0));
draw_text_xform(font, text, raster_height, xform, scale, color);
#define COLOR_RED ((Vector4){1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0})
#define COLOR_GREEN ((Vector4){0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0})
#define COLOR_BLUE ((Vector4){0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0})
#define COLOR_WHITE ((Vector4){1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0})
#define COLOR_BLACK ((Vector4){0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0})