This repository has been archived on 2025-02-04. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Charlie 98feda0cbb - build.c which includes everything to be built and configures build with #defines
- Some compile options that make sense for build.bat, and a build_release.bat
- oogabooga:
	- Big buffer program_memory that always has same base address (goodbye serialisation problems)
		- Big buffer grows as needed, crash when out of memory
	- Very sexy platform abstraction & basic os call procedures
	- Heap allocator around the program memory.
    - Jaiyfication (context, context.allocator, push_allocator, temp allocator)
	- Some tests to make sure we ooga the right boogas
2024-06-28 03:28:23 +02:00

13 lines
149 B

@echo off
rmdir /S /Q build
mkdir build
pushd build
mkdir release
pushd release
cl ../../main.c /Zi /Fecgame.exe /Ox /DRELEASE /std:c11