Concurrency: - Refactored spinlock out of OS api (deprecated old procs) - Concurrency utilites: void spinlock_init(Spinlock *l); void spinlock_acquire_or_wait(Spinlock* l); bool spinlock_acquire_or_wait_timeout(Spinlock* l, f64 timeout_seconds); void spinlock_release(Spinlock* l); void mutex_init(Mutex *m); void mutex_destroy(Mutex *m); void mutex_acquire_or_wait(Mutex *m); void mutex_release(Mutex *m); void binary_semaphore_init(Binary_Semaphore *sem, bool initial_state); void binary_semaphore_destroy(Binary_Semaphore *sem); void binary_semaphore_wait(Binary_Semaphore *sem); void binary_semaphore_signal(Binary_Semaphore *sem); Macro MEMORY_BARRIER - Concurrency tests Docs: - custom_logger.c example to show how one can make a custom logger and have logs displayed in-game Utility: - draw_text_and_measure() which is just an overload of draw_text but it also does a measure and returns it Misc: - Added u64 thread_id to global context. This is set in main() for main thread and in thread startup when you dispatch a Thread - Fixed a bug where plain rects would be drawn with the incorrect color - Fixed a bug where quads from earlier frames would be drawn
48 lines
1.9 KiB
48 lines
1.9 KiB
String_Builder _profile_output = {0};
bool profiler_initted = false;
Spinlock _profiler_lock;
void dump_profile_result() {
File file = os_file_open("google_trace.json", O_CREATE | O_WRITE);
os_file_write_string(file, STR("["));
os_file_write_string(file, _profile_output.result);
os_file_write_string(file, STR("{}]"));
log_verbose("Wrote profiling result to google_trace.json");
void _profiler_report_time_cycles(string name, u64 count, u64 start) {
if (!profiler_initted) {
profiler_initted = true;
string_builder_init_reserve(&_profile_output, 1024*1000, get_heap_allocator());
string fmt = STR("{\"cat\":\"function\",\"dur\":%.3f,\"name\":\"%s\",\"ph\":\"X\",\"pid\":0,\"tid\":%zu,\"ts\":%lld},");
string_builder_print(&_profile_output, fmt, (float64)count*1000, name, GetCurrentThreadId(), start*1000);
#define tm_scope_cycles(name) \
for (u64 start_time = os_get_current_cycle_count(), end_time = start_time, elapsed_time = 0; \
elapsed_time == 0; \
elapsed_time = (end_time = os_get_current_cycle_count()) - start_time, _profiler_report_time_cycles(STR(name), elapsed_time, start_time))
#define tm_scope_cycles_var(name, var) \
for (u64 start_time = os_get_current_cycle_count(), end_time = start_time, elapsed_time = 0; \
elapsed_time == 0; \
elapsed_time = (end_time = os_get_current_cycle_count()) - start_time, var=elapsed_time)
#define tm_scope_cycles_accum(name, var) \
for (u64 start_time = os_get_current_cycle_count(), end_time = start_time, elapsed_time = 0; \
elapsed_time == 0; \
elapsed_time = (end_time = os_get_current_cycle_count()) - start_time, var+=elapsed_time)
#define tm_scope_cycles(...)
#define tm_scope_cycles_var(...)
#define tm_scope_cycles_accum(...)
#endif |