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Charlie Malmqvist 2aba15b429 Custom shaders
2024-07-19 16:45:58 +02:00

167 lines
5.5 KiB

#define FONT_HEIGHT 48
Gfx_Font *font;
bool button(string label, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, bool enabled);
int entry(int argc, char **argv) {
window.title = STR("Audio test");
window.scaled_width = 1280; // We need to set the scaled size if we want to handle system scaling (DPI)
window.scaled_height = 720;
window.x = 200;
window.y = 90;
window.clear_color = hex_to_rgba(0x6495EDff);
Allocator heap = get_heap_allocator();
font = load_font_from_disk(STR("C:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf"), heap);
assert(font, "Failed loading arial.ttf");
Audio_Source bruh, song;
bool bruh_ok = audio_open_source_load(&bruh, STR("oogabooga/examples/bruh.wav"), heap);
assert(bruh_ok, "Could not load bruh.wav");
bool song_ok = audio_open_source_stream(&song, STR("oogabooga/examples/song.ogg"), heap);
assert(song_ok, "Could not load song.ogg");
// By default, audio sources will be converted to the same format as the output buffer.
// However, if you want it to be a specific format (or something smaller than the
// output format), then you can call:
// audio_open_source_load_format()
// audio_open_source_stream_format()
Audio_Player *clip_player = audio_player_get_one();
Audio_Player *song_player = audio_player_get_one();
// If you ever need it, you can give the player back to be reused somewhere else.
// audio_player_release(clip_player);
// But this is probably only something you would need to care about if you had a very
// complicated audio system.
audio_player_set_source(clip_player, bruh, false);
audio_player_set_source(song_player, song, false);
audio_player_set_state(clip_player, AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED);
audio_player_set_state(song_player, AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING);
audio_player_set_looping(clip_player, true);
while (!window.should_close) {
draw_frame.projection = m4_make_orthographic_projection(window.pixel_width * -0.5, window.pixel_width * 0.5, window.pixel_height * -0.5, window.pixel_height * 0.5, -1, 10);
if (is_key_just_pressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) {
float mx = input_frame.mouse_x;
float my = input_frame.mouse_y;
// Easy mode (when you don't care and just want to play a clip)
Vector3 p = v3(mx/(f32)window.width*2.0-1, my/(f32)window.height*2.0-1, 0);
log("%f, %f", p.x, p.y);
play_one_audio_clip_at_position(STR("oogabooga/examples/block.wav"), p);
// Or just play_one_audio_clip if you don't care about spacialization
Vector4 rect;
rect.x = -window.width/2+40;
rect.y = window.height/2-FONT_HEIGHT-40;
rect.z = FONT_HEIGHT*8;
rect.w = FONT_HEIGHT*1.5;
bool clip_playing = clip_player->state == AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING;
bool song_playing = song_player->state == AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING;
if (button(STR("Song"), rect.xy,, song_playing)) {
if (song_playing) audio_player_set_state(song_player, AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED);
else audio_player_set_state(song_player, AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING);
rect.y -= FONT_HEIGHT*1.8;
if (button(STR("Loop Bruh"), rect.xy,, clip_playing)) {
if (clip_playing) audio_player_set_state(clip_player, AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED);
else audio_player_set_state(clip_player, AUDIO_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING);
rect.y -= FONT_HEIGHT*1.8;
if (button(STR("One Bruh"), rect.xy,, false)) {
rect.y -= FONT_HEIGHT*3;
if (button(STR("Reset song"), rect.xy,, false)) {
audio_player_set_progression_factor(song_player, 0);
rect.y = window.height/2-FONT_HEIGHT-40;
rect.x += rect.z + FONT_HEIGHT;
if (button(STR("Song vol up"), rect.xy,, false)) {
song_player->volume += 0.05;
rect.y -= FONT_HEIGHT*1.8;
if (button(STR("Song vol down"), rect.xy,, false)) {
song_player->volume -= 0.05;
song_player->volume = clamp(song_player->volume, 0, 20);
rect.x += rect.z + FONT_HEIGHT;
draw_text(font, tprint("Song volume: %d%%", (s64)round(song_player->volume*100)), FONT_HEIGHT, v2_sub(rect.xy, v2(2, -2)), v2(1, 1), COLOR_BLACK);
draw_text(font, tprint("Song volume: %d%%", (s64)round(song_player->volume*100)), FONT_HEIGHT, rect.xy, v2(1, 1), COLOR_WHITE);
rect.y -= FONT_HEIGHT*3;
draw_text(font, STR("Right-click for thing"), FONT_HEIGHT, v2_sub(rect.xy, v2(2, -2)), v2(1, 1), COLOR_BLACK);
draw_text(font, STR("Right-click for thing"), FONT_HEIGHT, rect.xy, v2(1, 1), COLOR_WHITE);
return 0;
bool button(string label, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, bool enabled) {
Vector4 color = v4(.25, .25, .25, 1);
float L = pos.x;
float R = L + size.x;
float B = pos.y;
float T = B + size.y;
float mx = input_frame.mouse_x - window.width/2;
float my = input_frame.mouse_y - window.height/2;
bool pressed = false;
if (mx >= L && mx < R && my >= B && my < T) {
color = v4(.15, .15, .15, 1);
if (is_key_down(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
color = v4(.05, .05, .05, 1);
pressed = is_key_just_released(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT);
if (enabled) {
color = v4_add(color, v4(.1, .1, .1, 0));
draw_rect(pos, size, color);
Gfx_Text_Metrics m = measure_text(font, label, FONT_HEIGHT, v2(1, 1));
Vector2 bottom_left = v2_sub(pos, m.functional_pos_min);
bottom_left.x += size.x/2;
bottom_left.x -= m.functional_size.x/2;
bottom_left.y += size.y/2;
bottom_left.y -= m.functional_size.y/2;
draw_text(font, label, FONT_HEIGHT, bottom_left, v2(1, 1), COLOR_WHITE);
return pressed;